Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Medical Data Science And Processing Using Statistical Analysis In E-Healthcare For Covid-19

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Dr.M.Rajeswari, 2Dr.D.Brindha, 3Dr. Krishnapriya K S, 4Ms. Megha K K, 5Mr.Vaduganathan D


Data Science is one of the dominating fields in the today’s world. It plays its role in all the fields such as Agriculture, Healthcare, Education, Banking, and Entertainment. Data becomes the fuel of the Industry in 21st Century. This data is growing exponentially as the new data is getting generated from various sources such as YouTube, Face book, Mobile devices and Twitter in each and every millisecond of time. This data needs to be handled effectively which could not be done by the traditional data handling techniques/methods/tools. This invites many researchers to apply various data handling techniques using data science. Ehealthcare system is considered as a digital healthcare system to perform disease prediction and analysis. Data Science techniques are predominantly adapted in E-healthcare system for the prediction of plenty of diseases such as various cancer prediction, heart diseases

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