Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Mental Health problems In Covid-19 Situation

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M.A Muazar Habibi1 , Sulistyo Andarmoyo2 , Angga Irawan3 , Donny Adiatmana Ginting4 , Arman Jayady


This first problem is closely related to the second problem, namely belief in the causes of mental disorders. Lack of understanding and awareness of mental health, makes people unwilling to seek a help, or seeking a help outside the health system, for example to a shaman or psychic. After several years and showing no progress, the patient is brought to a doctor. According to research shows that different beliefs of the causes of mental disorders will have an impact on the intention of seeking help to a shaman, scholar or psychiatrist. The results of research on 100 psychosis patients and their nurses (mostly parents or one of couples of the sufferers) showed that 67% chose traditional or alternative medicine before going to the doctor. The next problem is the stigma or misconception toward a mental illness. In our society, mental illness is still considered a disgrace, so people with mental disorders often go undetected because they do not seek help or they are isolated by their families. Stigma is also negatively correlated with people's willingness to help. In literature, mental health literacy which includes knowledge and beliefs of mental disorders. Low mental health literacy decrease the society's belief toward the efficacy of standard mental health treatment.

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