Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Missing The Internet In Digital Era: A Case Study Of Longest Internet Blackout In Jammu And Kashmir

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Ravia Gupta1 , Dr. Kushal Kumar R, Professor1 ,Rajender S. Godara2


ABSTRACT: The present study applies uses & gratification theory to assess motivations of people in J&K towards Internet access, their attitudes and opinions on the longest ever Internet blackout for more than 120 days in Jammu & Kashmir. Routine life of almost everyone was affected in some ways or the other. In the 21st Century when access to Internet is recognized globally as a basic human right, this basic right was denied to the people of J&K not just once but several times. Since 2012, almost 180 shutdowns were reported in J&K. Since life at present revolves around the Internet undoubtedly and when that plug is pulled-off several times, it ruptures the social balance from the view of social determinism. Technology that drives the development of society, its social structure and cultural values is the new norm in the 21st Century. The study thus aims to find specific uses of Internet by people in J&K, study their perception and opinions towards “missing”theInternet. The paper thus uses “What Missing the Newspaper Means” as a model to study what missing the Internet means to the people of J&K. Uses and gratifications approach is applied to explain the shifting focus of media from the purposes of communicator to the purposes of the receiver with the help of a survey. The study found that there is significant difference between gender and use of internet for process needs (purposeful navigation) as well as there is a significant difference between gender and loss experienced in the Internet’s absence.

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