Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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NanoemulsionswithIntranasal Delivery:AReview

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Dr.Ripudaman Singh


Abstract In order to resolve the significant disadvantages in the traditional delivery system, new methods of drug delivery are developed. Nanoemulsion is a nano-sized emulsion developed to further increase the availability of active medicament. These are all the thermodynamically steady isotropic system under which two immiscible fluids are combined with a co-factant as well as surfactant emulsifying agent. Hence, nanoemulsionshave advantage of increasing biovailability by avoiding first pass effect ,low solubility and enzymatic degradation.Through nasal course. the medication can get straightforwardly along the trigeminal nerves and olfactory nerves Nanomedicine comprises of emulsion [mostly oil in water] one surfactant or co-surfactant having size measurements [100nm to 300nm or less] with high surface area. Such nanoemulsions have advantage of effectiveas, non-irritant, non-invasive, compared to conventional drug delivery

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