Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Сomparative Assessment On The Effect Of Different Methods Of Corrective Therapy On Lipid Metabolismand Homeostatic Renal Function.

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Ishkabulova G.J1 ,KhaidarovaKh.R2 , Kudratova G.N.3 , Kholmuradova Z.E4 .


SUMMARY. In total 60 children were examined, over 22 of mature newborns are born from healthy parents , 20 newborns are born from mothers with OPG-gestosis, and 18 newborns born from mothers with OPG-gestosis combined in chronic pyelonephritis . It was identified that in children with complicated course of disease, inheritability was rarely aggravated, the disease was followed by epiphenomenon , in the main group of newborns were observed a low level of of glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption of acidogenesis, which were associated by a disproportion of the phospholipid spectrum of erythrocyte membranes due to the increased blood activity and LPO.

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