Submit your articles to the African Journal of Biomedical Research, active in Scopus Q3 and Clarivate Web of Science Zoological Records. Click here to submit your manuscript.
Volume 7 (2020) | Issue 10
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Abstract. Employees are working on opencast coal mining from May to September work in conditions of heating microclimate. A decrease in the influence of the high temperature of air and solar radiation is reached by the uniform distribution of the hottest time of day (from 12 to 16 o'clock) by drawing up the working schedule. The selection of means of individual protection of hearing organs, their regular use, and efficiency assessment performance will reduce the impact of noise on workers' bodies. Decrease of total working time in conditions of exposure to industrial vibration not exceeding 5-6 hours will allow reducing the class of working conditions on this factor. The effectiveness of individual respiratory protection means the size of dust particles, the degree of insulation of the underwear space in places where the mask is not tightly attached to the face. Considering dust dispersion, working conditions classes of workers engaged in brown coal mining in underground mine #9 "Angrenskaya" decreased by 1 stage, while in mine "Shargunkumir" the working conditions classes on dust factor, on the contrary, increased by 1 stage.