Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Phonetics in complete dentures

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1Dr.Sarvesh, 2Dr. Raksha Singla, 3Dr. Ranjana Kumari, 4Dr.Ripujit Kaur, 5Dr.Avrinder Singh, 6Dr. Archana Queen


Speech is a learned function that requires adequately developed nervous system, clear vision and hearing ability. Failure in development of any of these systems or the components involved in the production of speech will result in defective phonation. A prosthesis fabricated for a patient should be mechanically functional, esthetically pleasing and should allow proper phonation . Therefore, a prosthesis should be fabricated in such a way that it does not hinder speech. A clinician may often come across situations where prosthodontic treatment is required to correct the speech. A prosthodontist, therefore must have a good understanding of production of speech and the various components of speech. This review article presents the importance of phonetics in complete denture patients.

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