Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Prosthetic Rehabilitation of A Post-Covid Mucormycosis Maxillectomy Defect Using A Fused Two-Piece Hollow Obturator: A Fabrication Technique

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1Dr. Kalluri Lakshmi Mounika, 2Dr. M Manoj Kumar, 3Dr. M. Suresh Babu, 4Dr. K. Krishna Kishore, 5 Dr. M Sanjana Reddy, 6 Dr. Gayathri Bandari


Purpose: Intraoral defects in the maxilla cause communication with the nasopharyngeal complex. The surgically removed palate can have a devastating effect on the appearance and speech of the patient. Obturators allow patients to eat and drink without any suspicion of food entering the oroantral cavities/ pharynx during mastication. This clinical report describes fabrication of a closed hollow bulb obturator using the two-piece double flask technique. Method: After the final teeth arrangement was completed, teeth over the defect were removed and separately processed using heat cure acrylic resin. Both the segments are combined by autopolymerizing acrylic resin to form a single hollow-bodied obturator. Conclusion: This technique uses a double flasking method of the two segments to control the thickness of the bulb in the defect area, thus decreasing the weight of the obturator.

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