Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Pulpotomy Medicament: A Comprehensive Review

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Dr. Hetal Sachanandani, 2Dr. Apexa Yadav, 3Dr. Sadhika Sadhar, 4Dr. Mainak Bhattacharya, 5Dr. Deepashri Arvind Tekam, 6Dr. Ruchi Gopal


Pulpotomy is a common therapy in pediatric dentistry, done in a primary molar with severe caries, but without evidence of radicular pathology where the removal of caries results in exposure to carious or mechanical pulp. To facilitate healing or an agent to repair the underlying tissue, the pulpotomy technique involves coating pulp stumps with a pulpcapping agent. Pulpotomy can be performed using different techniques including non pharmacotherapeutic treatments such as electrosurgey and lasers or pharmacotherapeutic approaches by dressing pulp tissue with different medicaments or biological materials such as formocresol (FC), glutaraldehyde, ferric sulphate, freezed dried bone, bone morphogenic protein (BMP), osteogenic protein, sodium hyochloride, calcium enriched mixture (CEM) and enriched collagen solutions. Hence the aim of present review of literature is to discuss various pulpotomy medicaments in detail.

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