Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Dr. Arpana PV


Health is a state where all the bodily constituents are in equilibrium and functioning to their optimum capacity. Maintaining the health of a healthy individual and alleviating the disease to get back health in an individual is the aim of Ayurveda. Though all treatments aim at bringing back the equilibrium, the present treatment practices are limiting themselves at alleviation of diseases. The signs and symptoms of equilibrium of all the bodily constituents though clearly explained, it is not practically assessed in patients by the doctor. It may be because of the lack of knowledge or the current trends of clinical practices. This lack of assessment may be considered as one of the reasons for a consistent and gradual raise in incidence and recurrence rate of diseases. The doctor plays an important role in establishing the equilibrium of bodily constituents. He is considered the reason to initiate, assess and continue treatment till signs and symptoms of equilibrium of all the bodily constituents are established. Once alleviation of disease is done the doctor has to advice certain rules and restrictions of diet and regimen for the patients to follow in order to maintain the equilibrium of the bodily constituents. Equilibrium of all the bodily constituents is the most essential factor to assess for the completion of treatment successfully. Once the signs and symptoms of equilibrium of all the bodily constituents are properly assessed, the doctor can avoid the recurrence of diseases and also avoid the possibility of emergence of new disease. Alleviation of disease can be considered as the stepping stone towards treatment and all the other signs and symptoms of equilibrium of bodily constituents have to be established to call it a successful completion of treatment.

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