Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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N. Naveenaa1 , Jayalakshmi Somasundaram*2 ,Leslie Rani3


Probiotics can be defined as live microorganisms that may beneficially affect the host upon ingestion by improving the balance of the microflora. It has various health benefits like alternation in weight, increasing the immunity, and also in digestion. Many of us would think that bacterial products aren’t helpful but in contrast they are enormously useful. The common species involved are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium. At present the alarming issue for everyone might be weight gain. The probiotic diet helps in modification of gut microbiota and it inhibits the absorption of dietary fat and increases fat excretion via faeces. Most of the attempts done to study the effects of probiotics with Lactobacillus strains on weight reduction was found to be positive. Probiotic administration on women over a period of three months had a significant reduction in weight compared to the pills. So probiotics are far better than artificially prepared pills. The aim of the review is to analyze whether a probiotic diet helps in reduction of weight and how far it could play the beneficial role in reduction of weight.

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