Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Teamwork, Targets, Technology, and Tight ControlThe 4T Study-Improving Clinical Outcomes in Newly Diagnosed Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes

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1Rajesh Kumar Padhi, 2Susant Mishra, 3Abhay Sahoo, 4Monalisa Khuntia, 5Hariballav Mahapatra


Many teenagers and youths with type 1 diabetes (T1D) do not meet their haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) goals. In India, the average HbA1c of young people is greater than in much of the industrialised world. Other countries' mean HbA1c levels have been effectively changed using benchmarking and quality improvement techniques. We present the revolutionary 4T strategy to diabetes care in kids with new-onset T1D in this review, which includes teamwork, targets, technology, and tight control.The diabetes care team (physicians, nurse practitioners, certified diabetes educators, dieticians, social workers, psychologists, and exercise physiologists) collaborate closely in this approach to provide diabetes education beginning with diagnosis. Early integration of technology, notably continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and establishing a curriculum around using the CGM to maintain tight control and maximisethe quality of life are both parts of the education curriculum.

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