Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Community Responses over The Citarum River West Java

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Suwandi Sumartias


ABSTRACT The article examine the responses of Citarum River Community , especially at Cieunteung and Linggar Villages Bandung Regency which are often exposed to floods, waste and rubbish through the perspective of "bottom up" environmental communications. The population living over the Citarum watershed is more than 15 million people, where some people depend on the river for their livelihood, so it often causes complex problems. People who live in the Citarum watershed are often victims of floods in the rainy season and drought in the dry season, as well as victims of waste pollution, both household waste and industrial waste, especially the textile industry. The research method used is descriptive approach with qualitative data analysis technique. The results showed: there are still less responses, especially the attitudes and understanding of community of Citarum River about the condition of a healthy river (air and water); Lack of awareness and communication activities between people , formal and informal community leaders in finding the right solution; The lower participation of community and opinion leaders in seeking sustainable solution; Lack of supervision and law enforcement of the environment. Recommendation: The importance of advocacy movement, participation and assistance from and by community of the Citarum River (bottom up communication); The importance of forming groups or communities of citizens at the Citarum river area; The importance of communication and coordination is done intensively and sustainably; Local government interventions need to involve formal and informal leaders ; The importance of supervision and law enforcement seriously and professional.

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