Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Correlation Between Anti-Gliadin And Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase Autoantibodies With Gender In Iraq Celiac Disease Patients

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Lara Ghali A. Ali


For finding or inquiring the efficiency of measuring the concentrations of IgG and IgA anti-gliadin autoantibodies (IgG and IgA AGA, respectively), IgA and IgG antitransglutaminase (TGA), for gluten sensitivity diagnosis and study the relationship between those antibodies with age and gender of patients. The number of coeliac patients that enrolled in current study was 169. Concentrations of IgA, IgG for AGA as well as IgG, IgA for TgA was measured via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In the present study, the meanĀ±SE of IgA antigliadin and IgA antitransglutaminase in age group 1-9 years was higher than 10-19 years without significance differences between them p>0.05, while the result show significant differences p<0.05 among age study groups in respect to IgG antiglidin and IgG transglutaminase since the mean of concentration in smaller ages was higher than older (10-19) years. In respect to gender, the females IgA antigliadin and tissue transglutaminase concentrations was higher than their concentrations in males with no significance differences detected between studied groups, while in other autoantibody tested, IgG antigladin and antitrasglutaminase concentrations there is significance differences between females and males with higher mean in females than males. According to the present study results, there are significant correlation between IgG antigliadin and anti-tissue transglutaminase with age and gender of celiac disease patients, since there concentration was higher in females younger than 10 years.

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