Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Dynamics Are Changes In Organoleptic Parameters And Chemical Composition Of Amudarya River Water

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M.A. Madaminova, R.T. Kamilova, H.O.Nuraliyeva, A.M. Ubbinyazova.


Abstract: The distributions of chemical elements in surface waters are determined by their prevalence in the Earth's crust and their solubility in water. The complexity of the chemical composition of surface water bodies are determined by the presence in them of a large number of chemical elements and the diversity of their compounds, as well as by the different content of each of them, which varies in different types of waters, which is associated with the peculiarities of conditions of their formation Aim:To study and assess the dynamics of changes in the chemical composition of water samples from the Amudarya River. Materials and methods. The water intake point was located in Olotsky district of Bukhara region, 110 km from Bukhara city on the bank the Amu-Bukhara canal the Amudaryariver. To determine organoleptic characteristics, chemical composition, and mineralization of water, water samples were taken in compliance with all official requirements [9, 10]. The studies were carried out during the last 5 years (2015-2019) and primary and repeated studies were conducted every 2 years. Results.It was found that during the period of observation, all indicators, and components affecting organoleptic properties of Amudarya River water - iron, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine, SSFA, polyphosphates were within the norm, except for the content of petroleum products and BOŠ”5, which were above the upper limits of the norm in some samples. But this increase in the standard is of random nature and does not reflect the true state of water quality of the AmudaryaRiver at the point of water intake. Conclusions.It was found that organoleptic indices and some indicators of water mineralization, as well as ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, sulfate, chlorides in samples of Amudarya River water in primary and repeated studies was mainly within the normative values (O'zDSt 950-2011). The absence of nitrites indicates that there is no fresh contamination of the studied water body. It is proved that no increase in inorganic concentrations (aluminum, beryllium, arsenic, mercury, lead, etc.) were found in samples of Amudarya River water in comparison with normal values, but some parameters of toxic chemical elements (calcium) remain stably high for the whole period of observation. It is established that according to these studied parameters the studied water is suitable for use by the population for household and cultural and domestic purposes, but when providing the population with drinking water, it is necessary to keep in mind the constantly increased content of water salinity (calcium).

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