Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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The Effect of Psychological Well Being on Academic Achievement of Arts and Science College Students in Virudhunagar District

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K.Vijayalakshmi,Dr. Selvarani


This study attempted to identify the factors that influence the academic achievement of arts and science college students in virudhunagar district.Student’s performance is measured by CGPA.Even they have other talents,CGPA is considered for getting jobs.The researcher considerPsychological well being, self efficacy and emotional intelligence affects academic achievement.If a studenthave high score in Psychological well being,self efficacy and emotional intelligence scores high CGPA.Regression analysis and factor analysis are done to identify relationship between Independent Variables Psychological well being ,self efficacy and emotional intelligence and dependent variable academic achievement .Among 13 factorsonly 3 factors such as Factor1:self confidence , Factor 2:Energy, Factor8:Empathy contributes academic achievement.

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