Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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The Herpes Disease Terms Of Personal Hygiene Of Student Senior High School And How To Manage This Cusses

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Muhammad Ali Sodik, Mayta Sari Dwianggimawati, Setyo Budi Susanto, Mika Vernicia Humairo, Ardi Bastian


Shingles disease roomates is because of infection of the virus of varicella zoster groaning husk and mucosa, this infection represent the reactivation of the virus that happened after the primary infection. Herpes Zoster assumed by circumstance as depicting reaction of the varicella virus (cow pox of water roomates latent, and mirror the immunity degradation). This research is targeted Know the relation of personal hygiene of high school student with the disease herpes In high school north coast of Subdistrict of Middle Biboki Anle'U Regency East North of Province of Nusa of East South-East. This research use the approach of cross sectional. accurate by population is a student of class X and XI of SMA to 105 people by using the method of random sampling Obtained by sample 51 responder. Independent variable is accurate by personal hygiene and accurate by the dependent variable is disease of herpes zoster. Its result is analysed by using test of contingent coefficient. This reseach on May, 2015. Result of research indicate that most good personal hygiene owning 23 responders (45.1%) enough categorize the which 20 (39.2%) less roomates category 8 (15.7%) and spring from positive responders of herpes zoster as much 28 responder (54.9 %) Which are negative 23 (45.1%). From result analyze got by value p-value 0.000 <α (0.05). Hence H0 refused and H1 accepted meaning there is relation of among personal hygiene of high school student with the disease of herpes zoster in high school. Result of research indicate that most responder dry keep the caused Because of x'self Also haves and understand for the importance of personal hygiene to be student of high school do not experience of the disease of shingles hence student of high school ownself always keep dry.

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