Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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The Impact of Social Media Usage on the Academic Performance of Student

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Badar Mohammed Al Mughairi1 , Hamad Khalifa Al Hakamani2 , Yusra Mohammed Al Mughairi3 , Prof. Dr. Asif Mahbub Karim4


Abstract: The grought of the internet services and application, the social media services and application become a major attraction of the user and organization. This lead to the extensive use of social media to achive different type of objectives that meet individual and also the organisation interest. Consenquantly, this use can creat a positive or negative impact. This article studies the impact of social media usage on the accadmic performace of the students. moreover, it illustrates the different impact based on the litreatue review on the types and the age of student. In addition to that, It doministrate the existed and related theories, reviewing the concepts and other studies related to the impact of socal meadia in related ot accadmic performance.

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