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Volume 7 (2020) | Issue 10
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Abstract. It is well known from the history of mankind that in the life of every society the issues of social stratification processes acquire fundamental importance. Since ancient times people have been thinking about the reasons of stratification. In ancient Greece encyclopedic scientists in their works tried to scientifically substantiate the phenomenon of inequality as a natural process. With this approach, they justified the pattern of human exploitation. Along with other factors, religion, too, as a social institution, significantly influenced the stratification processes. This tendency is inherent to all world and national religions. And in modern conditions both material and spiritual factors actively influence the processes of social stratification. In this article the influence of the institute of religion on the processes of social stratification is investigated. It is noted that in some doctrines religion is the backbone of closed stratification systems. An example of such stratification is the caste system of India. In Islam all people are considered equal and the privileged position coming from the ancestral dynasty is strictly condemned. In comparison with material wealth, the status of an educated person is considered the most prestigious. In the history of our country, as a result of adaptation of the precepts of Islam to the interests of the ruling classes, there were classes of Ishans, Khojis, Sayyids, etc., which had nothing to do with Islam. Nowadays, these classes have only a symbolic meaning. Therefore, Islam does not affect the stratification processes of contemporary Uzbek society. However, observance by people of the norms of Islamic morality is important in the activities of officials. These findings have been confirmed by empirical research conducted in various regions of the country, among various classes of the population.