Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Knowledge Regarding Identification and Prevention of Suicide Among Care Giver of Mentally Ill Patient in Selected Health Care Institutes In Pune City

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Usha1 , Sushila Devi


Many of mentally ill patients are committing suicide due to various factors. The health care professional is mainly focusing on preventing the suicidal incidence among mentally ill patients. Caregiver of mentally ill patients have an important role in preventing suicidal incidence. The adequate knowledge of care giver on perceiving warning sign of the suicide and knowledge of care giver regarding prevention of suicide prevent the incidence of suicide in mentally ill patients. The present study aims to assess the knowledge of care givers regarding identification and prevention of suicide in mentally ill patient and find the association between the knowledge and the demographics variables of the care givers. Material and method: A descriptive study was conducted, using 20items structured questionnaire. 200 care giver was chosen for the study through non-probability purposive sampling techniques. Result: the obtained result data revealed that, maximum participants were male 64%, majority 44.5% belonged to the 46-55 year of age group, regarding duration of care maximum 37.5% participants were <5 years, maximum 55% participants were belonged to the hindu religion and maximum 58% participants were from rural areas and 76.5% participants were not previous information regarding suicide identification and prevention and maximum 46.5% participant’s family income was 30001 to 60000. Finding related to knowledge score of care giver regarding identification of suicide 47.5% of care giver had average knowledge, 40% care giver had poor knowledge and 12% care giver had good knowledge and finding related to knowledge score of care giver regarding prevention of suicide was 52% participants were average knowledge, 5.5% participants had good knowledge and 42.5% participants had poor knowledge. Conclusion: from the above finding, the researcher concluded that there is a great need of improve the knowledge level of care giver because average knowledge is not good knowledge. The researcher also recommends for care giver to attend the workshop, community health programme related to suicide identification and prevention to enhance the knowledge regarding suicide identification and prevention.

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