Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Self-Reported Practice: On Prevention And Management Of Airborne Diseases Among Higher Secondary School Students In Selected School, Bhubaneswar.

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Kalpana Shee1 , Swagatika Dey2 , Subarna Sain2 , Soumya Suchitra2 , Sumit Maiti2


A non-experimental descriptive explorative study aims to assess the self-reported practice on prevention and management of airborne disease among higher secondary school students in selected schools, Bhubaneswar. The study was based on a post-test with 500 samples selected by using a simple random sampling technique. A self-structured questionnaire was used for selfreported practice with poor (0-10), average (11-20), and good (21-30) score. The self-reported practice of higher secondary school students regarding the prevention and management of airborne disease was assessed by administering questionnaires to the students. As a result 0.8% of the samples have poor practice, 38.8% of the samples have average practice and 60.1% of the samples have a good practice. All the p-values were greater than 0.05 except the education of the father (p=0.0133) which was found to have a significant association with the self-reported practice of higher secondary school students regarding the prevention and management of airborne disease. Thus it was concluded from the study that the majority of the students have good practice regarding the prevention and management of airborne disease. The study was effective because the education of the father has an association with the self-reported practice of the higher secondary school students.

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