Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Web based Prepaid Energy Meter with theft control

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The idea behind this project is to construct the web based Prepaid Energy Meter with theft control, which eliminate manual meter reading so that the bills can be paid in advance by which the consumers can plan their electricity bill well in advance. In this system anyone can recharge their electricity need, like our mobile phones. This proposed system helps the users with the real time information about the peak loads (max energy consumption), energy theft, effective usage of power consumption, billing status etc. This automated system is built by using Arduino controller, different sensors & IoT. It continuously reads the energy meter readings and the real time information is available to the user with IoT. Whenever the energy consumption reaches its limit, the power supply connection will be disconnected and alert information is given to the consumer during minimum balance and null balance. Power theft information is given to both user and electricity board; hence it is helpful to identify the exact power theft location. To avoid unnecessary usage of power consumption, load based automatic switch system is used which can built up home automation system. This energy saving system replaces the conventional meter reading and offers the consumers with user friendly access to energy meter from remote location.

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