Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Three Case Reports of Ameloblastoma with relevant clinico-radiographic and histopathologic correlations.Running title: Ameloblastoma With Relevant ClinicoRadiographic And Histopathologic Correlations.

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Dr. Mohamed Abdulcader Riyaz SS


Abstract: Ameloblastoma is one of the most common clinically significant tumor. It belongs to 1% of all oral tumors. Compared to maxilla, the mandible is qyite commonly affected (4:1). It affects both male and female population equally. The age at presentation is usually between 3rd and 7th decade of life. The usual clinical presentation is that of a slow growing asymptomatic intraoral swelling. There are four clinico-radiographic types of Ameloblastoma namely Unicystic, Multicystic, Peripheral (extra-osseous) and Desmoplastic. The Histologic types include Follicular, Plexiform, Acanthomatous, Granular, Basal cell & Desmoplastic. The unicystic type has three histologic variants namely luminal, intra-luminal and mural. This article is aimed at documenting three case reports of Ameloblastoma with histopathologic variations and correlating them with clinico-radiographic findings.

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