Online ISSN: 2515-8260

To study the efficacy of USG guided femoral nerve block as pre-operative analgesia for positioning of femur fracture patient for subarachnoid block

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1 Sinduja V, 2Rahul D Kore, 3 Sachin R Swami, 4Vaishnavi V Kulkarni, 5 Pushpa I Agrawal


Background: Femur fracture causes moderate to severe pain which requires effective analgesia both preoperatively and postoperatively. Multimodal analgesic regimens which includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids and regional analgesic techniques have been used in femur fracture patients so far. Peripheral blocks was initially done with either paresthesia technique or nerve stimulation-based technique. Ultrasound guided needle &catheter placement is observed to be technically superior, more accurate, being placed in peripheral location probably increases the safety of USG guided compared with other techniques.

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