Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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To study the management of fibrous dysplasia of proximal femur by internal fixation without grafting

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1Dr. Gangdayal Sharma, 2Dr. Kumar Nitesh, 3Dr. Manish Kumar, 4Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Rakesh


Aim: To study the management of fibrous dysplasia of proximal femur by internal fixation without grafting. Methods: This retrospective study was carried out in the Department of Orthopaedic, IGIMS, Patna, Bihar, India 17 patients with FD of proximal femur treated by internal fixation only without grafting, were included in the study. Records of the patients were assessed for the epidemiologic data, clinical manifestations, pathologic and radiologic investigations, number and type of surgical procedures, the choice of implant used for fixation, functional outcome, and complications. Pre- and postoperative plain radio- graph were reviewed; also, CT and MRI were reviewed when available.

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