Online ISSN: 2515-8260
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Topography and Variations in the Third Part of Axillary Artery of Human Cadavers

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Sumathi S1 , Christy M2 , Priya Ranganath3


Axillary Artery is a continuation of subclavian artery, extending from outer border of first rib to lower border of teres major muscle and it continues as brachial artery. The axillary artery usually gives off six branches, but the number arising independently from it is subject to vary. The aim of the study is to note for variations in origin and course of third part of axillary artery. In the present study, the variations were predominant on the right side and the variations noted in subscapular artery were 8%, circumflex scapular artery were 4%, thoracodorsal artery 4%. Absence of subscapular artery was noted in two specimens and so circumflex scapular artery and thoracodorsal artery originated separately from main part of third part of axillary artery in one specimen and in another specimen, thoracodorsal artery arose from circumflex scapular artery which in turn originated directly from third part of axillary artery. Subscapular artery had variation in its site of origin in two specimens. In one case, subscapular artery originated from posterior side and in the other case, at the level of circumflex humeral arteries.

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