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Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Volume 11 (2024) | Issue 5
Abstract: Environmental extremity or adversity is one of the dominant problems in world wide. For this, the main concern of ethics is to provide a crucial and a cogent remedy for sustainable development. Due to maximization of certain issues concerning sustainable development this paper intends to demonstrate virtue ethics as a method in terms of which such issues can be minimize. An appropriate structure for sustainable development can be attainable through the application of virtue ethics and its implementation in the daily life of human beings. Here we discuss about the virtue ethics which is considered as the character of human being that helps them in attaining a good life. Therefore, virtue ethics is important to study in order to establish a behavioural and habitual foundation that can be conducive for sustainable development. The prime motto of virtue ethics is to discover the protective and potential character of human being which can be more effective for sustainable development.