Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Work Musculoskeletal Disorders (WSMDs) on The Dentist

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Tritania Ambarwati, Cahyo Nugroho, Emma Kamelia, Tita Kartika, Hadiyat Miko, Hans Lesmana


Occupational Disease is a disease that has a specific cause or is strongly related to the job, there must be a causal link between the disease process and the hazard in the workplace. One of the dangers that can interfere with occupational safety and health of workers in the workplace is occupational disease (OD). Musculoskeletal disorders that often occur in health practitioners. This happens due to body position when working less ergonomic and occur in a long time and repeatedly. Among health practitioners who are vulnerable in the face of the threat of musculoskeletal disorders are dentists. Regular exercise and adequate rest will free the dentist from workload risk, in addition to refreshing and strengthening the body, as well as providing mental relaxation from the high psychosocial demands of the job. This contributes to better health status and reduced risk of Musculoskeletal symptoms

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